
Lasting Power of Attorney / Court of Protection

Aurelia Law Firm strive to provide you with peace of mind and reassurance regarding your future.

Why do you need a Lasting Power of Attorney?

Establishing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LAP) is a crucial step in ensuring that your affairs are taken care of by a trusted individual if you become unable to make or communicate decisions yourself for a number of reasons. It could be a temporary issue such as you’re in hospital and need support with finances such as paying bills. Or you may lose mental capacity in the future such as a dementia diagnosis, or an accident has left you unable to communicate.

Whether it is managing your finances, property, or medical decisions, having a designated person’s to act on your behalf can provide you with peace of mind and assurance that your interests are protected, no matter what the future brings. As long as you are over the age of 18 and have the mental capacity to make decisions for yourself, you can arrange for someone to make important decisions on your behalf if the need requires.

Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitor

Lasting Power of Attorney area of expertise

Our dedicated team is committed to providing a comprehensive range of LPA services, which include:

Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitor

The benefits of using a solicitor to prepare your lasting power of attorney

There are many benefits to using Aurelia Law Firm to prepare your LPA, here are some:

Your Questions Answered

What could happen if I don’t create an LPA?
What is Court of Protection solicitors?
Can a solicitor help with elderly care issues?